Double-Five Plastics Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Benzoyl peroxide
CAS No: 94-36-0
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Others
Product spec: DFP-W1
Packing: 20kg carton lined with PE plastic bag: 5kg×4
Post Time: 2013-06-24
Description: Product Name: Benzoyl peroxide Alias: Benzoyl peroxide;Dibenzoyl peyoxide:Benzoyl Superoxide Structural formula: Molecular formula: C14H10O4 Molecular weight: 242.23 Property: White crystalline powder. Melint point:103-106°C(decompose)slightly soluble in water,ethanol,soluble in aether, acetone, chloroform and benzene,active oxygen:6.62%,decompose at 72 °C(half life period: 10 hours), activation energy:125.6KJ/mol. Specification: According to quality index, it is divided into reagent grade, food grade and industrial grade;According to appearance it is divided into powder, grain, crystal and paste Quality standards: Item Reagent grade Food grade Industrial grade Chemical pure First quality Content(base on dry product)%°C 98 97 98.2 Water content% 30±2 25-30 27±2 Total chlorosity %≤ 0.3 Chloride ion%≤ 0.25 Chlorid ≤ 0.1% Benzoic acid ≤ 1.5% Melting point: °C 103-106 AS %≤ 0.0003 Heavy metal(base on pb)%≤ 0.004 Pb %≤ 0.001 Use: Mainly used in flour bleaching, grease refinement and plastic sheet aggregation; used in the starting od plastic monomer, curing of polyester and epoxy resin. Also used as catalyst of polyester, epoxy, ion exchange and acrylic resin, used as crosslinking agent. Packing: 20kg carton lined with PE plastic bag: 5kg×4
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